
������ �߰� ������ ����, ��ũ ����
Skywalker([email protected])
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20101015 FRI


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Director's Cut (2003)


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[ Water Dripping ]


[ Squeaking ]


[ Frantic Squeaking ]


[ Sirens Wailing In Distance ]


[ Sirens Approaching Closer ]


[ Groans ]


[ Sighs, Groaning ]


Good God.






[ Man Narrating ]
They say your whole life
flashes before your eyes...


when you die.


And it's true...
even for a blind man.


[ Train Wheels Clattering ]


- [ Boys Chattering, Laughing ]
- I grew up in Hell's Kitchen.


The politicians and the real estate developers
call it Clinton now...


but a neighborhood,
like everything else, has a soul.


- [ Boy ] He's about to cry.
- And souls don't change with the name.


- Come on, shrimp. Hit me.
I'll give you a free shot.
- [ Boy #2 ] Hit him again.


- You fight like your dad.
- Yeah.


- Come on. Hit me.
- My dad's gonna be champ.


- Your dad's a bum. Come on. Hit me.
- Yeah. A bum.


- [ Laughing ] He's a punk.
- [ Groans ]


- [ Boy #2 ] Yeah. He's a punk.
- [ Boy #3 ] Can't fight.
Sure can run though.


- Pathetic.
- [ Door Closes ]


[ Continues Narrating ]
My father was a boxer.


- [ TVPlaying, Indistinct ]
- A sportswriter once wrote
that he fought like the devil...


and the name stuck.


Jack "The Devil" Murdock
was a contender.


- But that was a long time ago.
- [ TVShuts Off]


Come on, Dad.
Get up.


[ Grunts ]


- Who won?
- Cohan.




- I beat him, you know.
- I know, Dad.


- T.K.O.
- That's right, Matty. You remember.


- Hey. Hey, what's that?
- Nothin'.


I told you I didn't
want you fightin'.


[ Sighs ]
I tried to walk away like you said...


but they kept
givin' me shit.


Don't curse.


What kind of shit?


They said that you work for Fallon,
that you're one of his guys now.


[ Scoffs ]
Get over here. Sit down.


Come on.


You think I'd be pullin' double overtime
down at the docks...


if I was workin'
for Fallon?


What, are you nuts?


You don't hit nothin' but books.
Get me?


You be a doctor
or a lawyer.


Not like me.


[ Sighs ]


Matt... you can do it.


You can do anything
if you're not afraid.


Now you promise me.


I promise, Dad.


[ Men Chattering ]


[ Man ]
Hey,John, pull that line all the way in...


then bring the crane
around front, all right?


Hey, kid! What are you trying
to get yourself killed?


I'm lookin' for my dad,
Jack Murdock. You seen him?


Murdock? Nah, he ain't
worked here in months.


Now, beat it, huh?


[ Men Arguing,
Indistinct ]


[ Man ]
Jack, I don't want you to hurt me.


- I will!
-Jack, come on. I got obligations.


- Dad?
- Okay, I got it.!






[ Shouts, Indistinct ]


[ Screams ]


[ Electricity Crackling ]


[ Loud Concussion ]


- [ Concussion Repeats ]
- [ Gasping ]


[ Concussion Repeats ]


[ Continues Gasping ]


[ Loud Concussion ]


[ Concussions Continue ]


[ Metallic Beeping ]


- [ Scraping Cloth ]
- [ Voices On P.A., Indistinct ]


- [ Groans ]
-[ Squeaking ]


[ Man's Voice, Distorted ]


- [ Feet Running ]
- [ Vehicle Horns Honking ]


- [ Tires Screeching ]
- [ Motor Rewing ]


[ Gasping ]


[ Sirens Wailing ]


- [ Phones Ringing ]
- [ Loud Beeping ]


- [Jackhammer Drilling ]
- [ Traffic Roaring ]


- [ Bell Tolling ]
- [Jackhammer Continues ]


[ Noises Quiet Down ]


Matty, I, uh, I talked
to the doctor--


I'm blind.
I know.


- How could you know?
- I heard you talking
in his office.


I hear everything.


Something's happening to me,
Dad. I don't know what it is.


[ Sighs ]
I'm sorry, Matty.


I'm so sorry.


[ Sobbing ]


[ Matt Narrating ]
We made each other a silent promise.


To never give up.


- To be fearless.
- [ Grunting ]


To stick up
for the long shots like us.


We were two fighters
on the comeback trail.


[ Hinge Squeaking ]


I had lost my sight,
but I got something back in return.


- [ Grunts ]
- My remaining four senses...


with superhuman sharpness.


But most amazing of all...


my sense of sound gave off
a kind of radar sense.


[ Squeaking ]


High above the roar
of the streets...


I trained my body
and my senses.


An acute sense of touch
gave me both strength and balance...


An acute sense of touch
gave me both strength and balance...


until the city itself
became my playground.


I was the boy without fear.




[ Crowd Cheering ]


- [ Coughs ]
- The winner!


[ Boy ]
Hey, Murdock.! Round two.


[ Boys Laughing ]


- What's up, freak?
- [ Boy #2 ] Look at him, man.
Look at his eyes.




- Kick his ass, man.
- Fight me. I dare ya.


- Yeah, Murdock.
- I dare ya.


[ Boy #2 ]
That's what I'm sayin'. Kick his ass.


[ Boy Laughing ]


Come on, man.
Let's just go.




[ Grunts ]


[ Screams, Grunts ]


[ Screaming, Grunting ]


[ Groans ]


[ Man ]
Jack, it's been a while.


- [ People Shouting, Indistinct ]
- I don't work for you no more, Fallon.


Jack, you never stopped.


Did you really think you won
those fights on your own?


You're 42 years old.


Miller, Mack, Bendez?


They're all my fighters--


just like you.


And now it's your turn
to take a fall.


Think about your boy,Jack.


I'm sure you'll do
the right thing.


[ Tapping ]




[ Crowd Yelling, Indistinct ]


[ Yelling Increases ]


[ Grunting, Groaning ]


Stop clinching.


Let him go.
Clean fight.


[ Groans ]


No! Come on, Dad!
Come on, Dad! Get up!


You can do it!
Come on!


Come on, Dad.!
Get up.!


- Come on.!
- [ Gasping ]


Let's go.!
Come on.!


Come on, Dad!
Get up!


Never give up.!


[ Straining ]


Yeah! Yeah!
Come on, Dad! All right!


[ Referee ]
You all right? Murdock! You all right?


- Okay. Let's fight!
- Go, Dad.! Go.!


Ten! He's out!
Fight's over!


[ Crowd Cheering ]


[ Man On P.A.]
Ladies and gentlemen, the winner,
by way ofknockout--


Jack "The Devil"


[Jack ]
This one was for you, Matty.


[ Matt Narrating ]
I waited outside of the Olympic
for my father.


In some ways,
I'm still waiting.


- [ Punch Lands ]
- [ Man Groans ]


[ Man ]
Finish him off!.




[ Vehicle Departs ]


I can't see you, Dad.


I can't see you.


[ Sniffs ]


[ Matt Narrating ]
No one cared much about the death...


of a washed-up prizefighter.


Nobody but me.


I would keep my promise.


I would help those
that others wouldn't.


I would seek justice...


one way...


or another.


[ Door Opens ]


[ Police Radio Echoing,
Indistinct ]


[ People Chattering ]


[ Chattering Continues ]


- [Jet Engine Roars ]
- [ Radio Chatter Continues ]


�ܢ� [ Rock ]


Ladies and gentlemen,
we're here today...


to seek truth...


to seek justice.


Mr. Quesada, would you
state for the court...


the sequence of events
leading up to the night ofJune 30?


I stopped off atJosie's Bar
after work.


I had a few drinks.
Angela was there.


She was closing up.
She asked me if I wanted to stick around...


for some fun.


[ Heart Beating ]


Anything that happened after that
was entirely consensual.


- Are you aware that perjury is a crime,
Mr. Quesada?
- [ Man ] Objection.


My client is a respectable member
of the community, where Miss Sutton...


- has a history of drug and alcohol abuse...
- My client is not on trial.


- which not only makes
her testimony suspect--
- Nor is her testimony suspect.


- Gentlemen, that's enough.
- The truth is...


Mr. Murdock,
is that Miss Sutton--


Miss Sutton enjoyed
every minute of it.


[ Crying ]


Mr. Quesada,
for your sake...


I hope justice
is found here today...


before justice finds you.


Matt? Matt, where
are you going?


Man, we knew this was a risk
going in.


Why? She's from the Kitchen,
she's not from the Upper East Side?


Yeah. Come on, Matt.
She has a history of drug abuse.


- That was a long time ago.
-Juries don't like their victims flawed.


[ Chuckling ]


[ Matt ] It's not right.


Yeah? Here's what
I don't get.


How can a scumbag like Quesada
afford an attorney like Hirsch?


He can't. The Kingpin's
gotta be footing the bill.


- Come on. Let's go get drunk.
- Not tonight.


I got work to do.


- [ Siren Wailing ]
- [ Truck Horn Honking ]


- �ܢ�[ Rock ]
- [ People Chattering ]


[ Exhales ]


Line 'em up,Josie,
I'm ready to party tonight.


You got a lot of nerve comin' in here
after what you did.


- Didn't you hear? I'm innocent, baby.
- [ Scoffs ]


[ Engines Revving ]


Bikes behind the cage!


No burn-outs,
you assholes!


[ Engines Revving ]


- [ Cheering ]
- Whoo! Yeah!


�ܢ�[ Rock ]


[ Chattering ]


Hey, hey, hey!
What's happenin'?


- Hey, Louie.
- What's up, goombah?


[ All Chattering ]


[ Quesada ]
To thejustice system, right?
Of course I beat it.


Kingpin's got my back, bro.
How ya doin', sweetie?


- Boss.
- What's up?


What's up with that?


Is that guy for real?


Yeah, he's for real.


- What do you want?


[ Groans ]


[ People Screaming,
Shouting ]


[ Groaning ]


[ Grunting ]


�ܢ�[ Continues ]


[ Panting, Groaning ]


[ Groaning, Grunting ]


- [ Bone Cracks ]
- [ Groans ]


[ Man Gasping, Groaning ]


[ Gasping, Groaning
Continue ]




Time to give the devil
his due.


[ Gasping, Groaning ]


[ Groans ]


Oh, God!
Oh, God!


[ Sirens Wailing ]


[ Screams ]


- [ Train Wheels Squealing ]
- [ Groans ]


[ Strike Echoing ]


- [ Choking ]
- Hi. How ya doin'?


Didn't you hear?


- I was acquitted.
- Not by me.


[ Choking ]


Who made you judge?


[ Laughs ]
Wh-- You did.


- [ Train Wheels Squealing ]
- [ Screams ]


- [ Chamber Clicking ]
- Go to hell...diablo.


Okay, but you'll
beat me there.


- [ Gunshot ]
- [ Groans, Screams ]


[ Groaning ]


[ Train Approaching ]


Hey. That light...


at the end
of the tunnel?


Guess what?
That's not heaven.


- I'll kill you!
- That's the "C" Train.


Oh, my God!


[ Chattering ]


Hey. You can't
go past there.


- Call Charlie.
- Right.


You're wastin'
your time, Urich.


- There's nothin' to see here.
- Jose Quesada...


and the rest
ofJose Quesada.


Whole lotta nothin'.
Huh, Nick?


You keep runnin' those stories,
and we're gonna end up with
a bunch of copycat vigilantes...


who are gonna
get themselves killed.


Are you here to confirm that Daredevil
is responsible for this, Detective?


Come on, Urich.
Stop bustin' my--


There is no proof that your so-called
Daredevil was involved...


nor that
he even exists.


- Got it?
- [ Beep ]


Got it.


[ Matt Narrating ]
Can one man make a difference?


There are days
when I believe...


and others when I have
lost all faith.


[ Beeps ]


[ Woman ]
Matt, it's Heather. Are you there?


Of course you're not there.
You're never there.


At least not for me.


Look, I didn't wanna do this
over the phone...


but it's not like you've
given me any choice.


I mean, it's been
three months now...


and I've never even
seen your apartment.


Every time we sleep together,
I wake up in the morning alone.


I mean,Jesus, where do you go
at 3:00 in the morning?


I thought that if I waited,
if I was patient enough,you'd let me in...


that we'd take our relationship
to the next level.


Then I realized
that this is the next level.


Good-bye, Matt. I hope you find
what you're looking for.


[ Sighs ]


[ Grunts, Spits ]


- [ Groans Softly ]
- [ Woman ] Please, don't hurt me.


- [ Man Grunting ]
- [ Woman ] Please, don't do that.


[ Arguing, Indistinct ]


[ Gasping ]


[ Gasping ]


[ Sighing ]


[ Sighs ]


Shh. Sleep now.


Listen to this. "Eyewitnesses say that
Quesada was singled out...


by the demonic vigilante
known as the Daredevil."


I don't know why
you read that trash.


- I've been hearin' stories for years.
Gotta be somethin' to it.
- Like alligators in the sewers?


There are alligators in the sewers.
I got a friend in Sanitation. He's seen them.


Fine.Just drop it.


You should see this guy.
They got this picture--


- They have a picture?
- It's, like, a drawing, an artist's rendering.


It's just--
It's grotesque.


I'd hate to see this guy's
therapy bills.


Speaking of bills, your client Mr. Lee,
he made his first payment.


- That's great. You should be very happy.
- Yeah, it's fantastic.


He paid in fluke.
Fluke is a fish, Matt.


Did you know that?
I sure as hell didn't.


Mr. Lee is a good man, and he...
doesn't have a lot of money...


and he goes fishing
on the weekends.


I go salsa dancing weekends, but I don't
shake my ass to pay my phone bill.


Pass the honey, please.


We need some better clients.
I'm tired of these pro bono cases.


What is your problem with our clients?
We have good, honorable clients.


Decent people. What's your idea of"better"?
Define "better."


- What would be a better client?
- "Better" means rich and guilty. Okay?


Remember when they taught us in law
school how to create a moral vacuum...


so you could represent people
who aren't all necessarily innocent?


That was your best course,
as I recall.


You don't have
a moral vacuum.


- You are completely vacuumless.
- [ Laughs ]


And what happened
to your face?


Nothing. A small cut.
I walked into a door.


Every time you disappear,
we can't get ahold of you,
you come in all cut up.


I'm in the fight club.
The first rule of fight club;
Don't talk about fight club.


- You're not in the fight club,
you're out of it.
- I didn't see the movie.


I'm sure it's a funny joke,
but I didn't see it.


Okay, all I'm sayin'
is I'm here for you as a friend.


I hate to bring it up again, but I spent
$3,000 on that Seeing Eye dog.


- I didn't ask you for the dog.
- Can I say something else?


Seeing Eye dogs bond for life--
yours ran away.


What does that tell you about
how emotionally available you are?


- [ Sniffs ]
- What? What? Where? Where?


Front door.
Not yet. Soon.




[ Inhales ]


Tell me.


- You want the truth?


She's hideous.
I don't know if it's a fungus...


or some sort of
congenital birth defect.


But as your attorney in this matter,
I advise you...


take no further action.


- I'm sorry. Excuse me.
- Sure.


Uh... I was just
looking for some honey.


- Could you help me out?
- Right in front of you.


[ Chuckles ]


could you be a little bit
more specific?


- What are you--
- Blind? Yeah.


- I am so sorry.
- That's okay.


The, uh--


[ Coughs ]


- Friend of yours?
- I've never seen him before.


Matt Murdock.


Nice to meet you,
Matt Murdock.


Nice to meet you.


I didn't get your name.


I didn't give it.


I tell ya, some people have no compassion
for the handicapped.


[ Chuckles ]
Apparently not.


- Where you goin'?
- Gonna file an appeal.


We have to be in the courthouse
by noon.


- 1 2:00, Matt.
- I'll be there.


[ Children Shouting,
Indistinct ]


[ Sniffing ]


- What do you want?
- I just wanted to get your name.


- I didn't want any trouble.
- Look...


I don't like being followed,
so don't.


Uh, wait a minute.


Wait a second.
Take it easy.


And I don't like
being touched.


Why don't you tell me what you do like,
and we'll start there.


[ Neck Cracking ]


Sure you're blind?


Sure you don't wanna
tell me your name?


- You're holding back.
- Yes.




Does every guy have to go through
all this to find out your name?


Try asking for my number.


[ Children Shouting ]
Fight.! Fight.! Fight.!


[ Both Panting ]


Stop hitting me.


- Okay.
- [ Groans ]


My name's
Elektra Natchios.


Thanks. That's all
I wanted to know.


I have to go.


Go? Wait a second.
Hold on.


D-Don't-- I don't wanna
get my ass kicked again...


I just want to know
why you have to go.


[ Sighs ]


My bodyguard is here.


Your bodyguard?


If you need a bodyguard,
I'm in serious trouble.


I thought I lost him
at the coffee shop.


Dad can be a little


Oh, "Natchios." Right,
as in "Nikolas Natchios."


- That's Dad.
- [ Speaking Greek ]


[ Speaking Greek ]


How am I going
to find you?


You won't.


I'll find you.




- What's wrong, Wesley?
- Have you seen the papers today?


been talking.


Somebody always does.


Wesley, did you know,
back in ancient times...


they would cut the tongues
out of their bodyguards
their first day on the job?


You think that's horrible,
don't you?


'Cause you don't like
the physical stuff.


I do.


[ Groans ]


[ Roaring ]


[ Bones Cracking ]


[ Breathing Heavily ]


Whoo! [ Laughs ]


Wesley, handkerchief.


[ Sighs ]


Your 1 1 ;00 is here.


my dear old friend.


I'm getting out, Wilson.
Uh-- I am out.


- [ Laughing ]
- You think it's funny?


- [ Water Pouring ]
- They're writing about the Kingpin.


They're going back
to the beginning.


Oh, I'm tired of looking
over my shoulder.


I wanna put all that behind me.
I want you to buy me out.


I think you'll find this
a very generous offer.


So, what do you say?


How's your daughter?


[ Matt ]
I said I was sorry. What do you want?


You owe me that.


Her name's
Elektra Natchios.


She sounds like
a Mexican appetizer.


It's Greek, genius.
Her father's Nikolas Natchios.


- The billionaire?
- Yeah. See? Yes, the billionaire.


Then as your attorney in this matter,
I advise you to marry the woman immediately.


I'll take it
under consideration.


- What do we got?
- Oh, this one's a real winner.


ex-con from Queens...


charged with the August 9th
murder of Lisa Tazio--


your friendly neighborhood


The bad news is Jackson
was found passed-out in an alley...


holding the murder weapon...


and enough THC in his lungs
to get Staten Island high.


Jackson says he can't remember
what happened on the night of the murder...


or, for that matter,
most of the '90s.


- What's the good news?
- The fluke wasn't bad. Could you let us in?




Who are you?


We're your attorneys.


If you're innocent.


So, are you...


- Yeah.
- [ Heart Beating Normally ]


Hell yeah.


[ Normal Heartbeat Continues ]


I believe you.


Y-You do?


- You do?
- You got yourself a defense.


Thank you.
Thank you, sir.


I want you to create
a paper trail...


one that can be
traced to Natchios.


- Sir?
- The press want a kingpin,
so I'll give 'em a kingpin.


Get me Bullseye.


[ Belches ]


[ Cell Phone Beeps ]


Two out of three.


[ Low Growl ]


Bloody Irish piece of trash.


[ Chuckling ]


[ Crowd Gasps ]


[ Body Thumps On Floor ]


What do you thinkJackson's
gonna pay us with? Chronic?


- Foggy.
- Hey, the guy's a three-time loser.


They found him a block away
with the murder weapon.


Which makes the fact
that he's innocent interesting.


How can you be
so sure?


- Have I ever been wrong?
- No. Which is really starting to annoy me.


Hey! Come on,
I got a blind guy here!


- Use the crosswalk, asshole.
- I love this city.


Empty your pockets.


[ Alarm Ringing ]


Raise your arms.


[ Beeping ]


[ Beeps ]


[ Intermittent Beeping ]


[ Whimpering ]


All right.
This is it.


- Okay, now what?
- Take a look around.


I know you have a built-in
bullshit detector...


but this time
it's on the blink.


- Let's sayJackson is innocent...
- He is innocent.


then why go through the trouble
to set him up?


Why the big cover-up
in the death of a prostitute?


I don't know.
I can't answer that.


I gotta find out more
about Lisa Tazio.


Well, you know,
too bad we don't have a key.


Matt, Matt,
where are you going?


- Give me your pen.
- Right here. Leave a note?


- Here.
- That's my pen.


I must've been sick
the day they taught that.


Was that
real estate law?


- What do you see?
- What do I see? I see high ceilings...


I see hardwood floors under carpet,
I see some good feng shui--


- Think they rented this place yet?
- [ Laughs ]


[ Gasping ]


What did she have
a puppy?


- Ammonia.
- So what?


Over blood.
[ Sniffs ]


Something else.


Cordite-- gunpowder.


She was shot here
and dragged outside...


to make it look
like a random robbery.


Come on, Matt,
there's nothin'over there. Let's go.


Write this down.


She wrote something here
in a ballpoint pen.


The imprint is still
in the wood.


- "M-O-M. "
- "M-O-M."


- "6-8."
- "6-8. "


There. I knew it.
Her mother did it.


Now can we please go
before we need attorneys too?


[ Woman ]
Susie is my son Larry's daughter
by his first marriage.


She eloped with this semi-colored fella
from London.


What's the word for that?
Mulatto. Yeah.


Just let's say he had a little cream
in his coffee.


But he did very well for himself
on the Internet...


but don't ask me how.


You know, they did get me
a computer for Christmas last year.


[ Muffled By Music ]
But I won't use it. I'm afraid
it's going to explode.


Oh, but who can afford
to fly these days?


But then my sister Marjorie
called and said she had
these frequent flyer miles...


and she couldn't use them
because her sciatic nerve was acting up.


So I said--
[ Gasps ]


[ Choking ]


�ܢ�[ Walkman:Rap, Muffled ]


Oh. She's sleeping.


Oh. She's sleeping.


- Can I get you anything before we land?
- More peanuts, please.


Bill Evert here
at the Manhattan Courthouse...


where accused killer


[ Woman ]
Jackson is accused of gunning down--


[ Voices Overlapping ]


Ladies and Gentlemen
of the jury...


I am not here to convice you
that DaunteJackson is a model citizen.


He has been in and out
of prisons and reform schools
since he was 1 2 years old...


but this is not a court
of character, however...


This is a court of law.


Isn't he facing
the wrong way?


Don't worry, he's got them
right where he wants them.


- DaunteJackson is innocent.
- Yeah.


And that is what it's been like
for Mr.Jackson.


Like trying to talk
to a wall.


Does this defense come with
a two-drink minimum, Mr. Murdock?


I'm sorry, Your Honor,
I'm trying to make a point.


You see,justice is blind...


but it can be heard...


and, today, the truth will come out.
Thank you.


Here, r-r-right this way.


He's blind.
He can't see anything.


[ Sighs ]
Okay, here's the, uh, the arm.


You got the arm there,


Just reach down.
There you go.


- [ Shudders ] I'm sorry.
- [ Crowd Gasping ]


[ Nervous Chuckle ]
Here we go.


You got it?


- Was that too much?
- Yeah, it was a little much.


You always want to do the chair thing.
It's embarrassing.


- We want sympathy, it's not The Gong Show.
- Okay.


Officer McKensie, you were
the arriving officer at the scene?


- That's correct.
- Please tell us what you observed.


I was a block away when I got the call
of shots being fired.


When I arrived on the scene,
Lisa Tazio's body...


was lying dead
on the steps of her apartment.


[ Heart Beating Normally ]


- I found Jackson passed out in the alley.
- [ Beating Continues ]


- Still holding the murder weapon.
- What's wrong?


- Tazio's wallet in his pocket.
- McKensie's telling the truth.


Yeah, that happens
sometimes in court.


No, no, no, no.
Somebody has to be lying.


- What's he doing here?
- Who?


It's Ben Urich,
the reporter from the Post.


[ Snorts ]
So does this mean you want a rematch?


I told you
I'd find you.

- How did you know I wasn't a mugger?
- [ Chuckles ]


Muggers don't usually wear
rose oil or high heels...


at least this far
from Chelsea.


Come here.


- There's something I wanna show you.
- Wait a second.


Exactly how many women
have you brought up here?


[ Chuckling ]
Uh... you're my first.


- Good answer.
- I thought that was the right answer.


[ Elektra ]
Look at this. It's so beautiful.


I know. This was my favorite
view of the city when I was a kid.


I really wanted you
to see this.



What's this?


Oh, that's from
my mother.


For good luck.


It's beautiful.
It's a good luck charm, huh?


I could use one of those.
They make them in braille?


She gave it to me...
right before she died.


What happened?


She was killed...


right in front of me--
I was five.


I'm sorry.


[ Sighs ]
No Greek tragedies, okay?




- I should go.
- No, no. Wait.Just wait.


Wait, wait, wait.
Because it-it's-- It's about to rain.


- No, it's not.
- It is. It's-- I'm telling you.


The temperature dropped
two or three degrees. I can smell it.


The moisture in the air.
It's gonna rain any second now.


And when it rains, it's like
there's a rooftop on the world.


Each raindrop makes a sound
the first time it falls on a surface.


Just then it's like I--


It's like
I can see again.


And I--
I just wanna--


I just wanna see you.




Look. Here it comes.




Oh, my God.


You are so beautiful.


[ Vehicle Door Opens ]


- [ Men Arguing ]
- [ Glass Breaks ]


[ Man ]
Maybe you remember the Kingpin.


- [ Man #2 Groaning ]
- You remember now?


- What?
-[ Man #2 ] Get off me.!


- Matt, what's wrong?
- [ Man ] You think you can
hold out on the Kingpin?


[ Men Fighting ]


- [ Man #2 Groaning ]
- Matt.


I have to go.


- I'm sorry.
- [ Man ] You remember now?


I have to go.




[ Softly ] Matt.


[ Groans ]
Oh, no! No, no! Please!


Huh? You remember me now?
What are you, stupid?


You think you can
hold out on the Kingpin?


[ Thunderclap ]


[ Whimpering ]


Get away from me!


[ Grunting ]


[ Groaning ]


Stay out of Hell's Kitchen.


[ Laughs ] This ain't
your neighborhood no more.


Kitchen belongs
to the Kingpin now.


- [ Panting ]
- [ Moaning ]


[ Whimpering ]


[ Whimpers ] Please!


please don't hurt me.


- I'm not the bad guy, kid.
- [ Thunderclap ]


[ Crying ]


I'm not the bad guy.


I'm not.


[ priest ]
You know the great strength
of the Church?


Its sense of community.


- Good morning, Father.
- Good morning.


Now, this may come
as a bit of a surprise to you, Matthew...


but we are open
on Sundays.


[ Chuckles ]


I like the quiet.


I don't think so, son.
I think you like the solitude.


[ Chuckles ]


And you find it in here,
do you, Matthew?




[ Horn Beeping ]


Sometimes not.


You don't have to
go it alone, Matthew.


My confessional is open
to you all the time.


There's no keepin'
secrets from God, son.


You spend 30 years in one of them boxes,
there's nothing I haven't heard.


Well, let's keep it
that way.


So, we'll be seein' ya
Sunday then, huh?


- [ Traffic Rushing ]
- [ people Chattering ]


- [ Door Opens ]
- I'll have to call you back
because he just came in.


Good morning.


- Your ears must have been burning.
- Why?


This just came
by messenger.


It's your invitation
to the Black & White Ball at the Grand.


- Plus one.
- Plus one? All right.




Uh, no. No, thank you.


I'd love a cup, Karen.
Thank you.


I guess she's making
a fresh pot.


- [ Footsteps Departing ]
- Wow.


They spent some serious money
on this invitation.


I mean, you should feel it.
It's engraved.


- What time you gonna pick me up?
- I'm not goin'.


What? Are you crazy?


That place is gonna be crawlin'
with people-- rich people.


People who pay their legal fees
with money, not with fish...


or with-with-with wheels of cheese
or with sports supplies.


I'm gonna fill you in
on a little secret, Matt.


This place doesn't look
like a law office, okay?


It looks like the set
of goddamn Sanford and Son.


Every time I walk in, I'm waiting for Lamont
to walk down the stairs.


- Then you go.
- Look at me, Matt. I'm a ''plus one,'' okay?


Plus ones don't get
anywhere by themselves.


They need somebody to bring them.
That's why it's ''plus one.''


Are you finished? We only have an hour
to prepare for court.


What's eating you?


I had a--
a rough night.


Well,you wanna
talk about it?


[ Sighs ]




- It's about Elektra, isn't it?
- No.


Natchios owns the Grand Hotel,
and Elektra's the reason you
were invited to the ball.


She's outta my league.
I'd rather just end it before it starts.


That's gotta be
some kind of record.


You just completely bypassed
the whole relationship phase.


You went right to the breakup.
Tryin' to save some time, huh?


What happens to that
lie detector of yours when it
detects your own bullshit?


It must really
bury the needle, huh?


- [ Ball Bouncing ]
- Swish.


Look, Matt, seriously,
the ball's in your court.


Plus one, huh?


Thank you.


[ Franklin ] This is what
I'm talking about. Aren't you
happy you listened to me?


This is gonna be great
for business, Matt.


Thank you.


Matt Murdock.
Ben Urich, New York post.


Ben Urich. Nice to meet you.
You're the guy...


- who writes the articles about
the urban legends, right?
- Well, yes, among other things.


Maybe you could settle
something for us.


You know the alligators
that live in the sewers?


- My partner--
- I've been following that piece
you wrote about the Kingpin.


One man running all the crime
in New York City--


it sounds a little
farfetched, doesn't it?


Well, yeah. But then again
so's a vigilante who thinks
every day is Halloween.


They got to be huge by now,
right, the alligators?


It's a myth.


Look, uh, I'd like you
to give me a call--Sorry.


- Cool color.
- I wouldn't know.


But do give me a call.
There is something I'd like
to talk to you about.


Nice to meet you.
Enjoy the party.


Uh, uh, uh. Look at that.
Wilson Fisk is in the ''hizzie.''


Come on. We might never
get a chance like this again.
Come on, let's go. Come on.


- We should talk about this--
- Mr. Fisk.


Mr. Fisk, it's, uh, uh, Franklin Nelson
from Nelson & Murdock--


Excuse me. You want to talk to Mr. Fisk,
you make an appointment. Okay?


I know who you are.


You're the blind lawyers
from Hell's Kitchen.


Actually-- Actually,
he's the blind one.


I'm deaf.
[ Chuckles ]


Give 'em a card, Wesley.


I'm always on the lookout
for new blood.


I'm sorry, Mr. Fisk. My partner is a little
overzealous. We can't represent you.


[ Chuckles ]
Why is that?


[ Chuckles ]
Yes, why is that, Mr. Murdock?


Because we only handle
clients who are innocent.


[ Chuckles ]
Innocent, he says. That's pretty funny.


You know, I've learned one thing
in all my years in this business.


- What's that?
- Nobody's innocent.




- Have a great time at the party.
- Thank you.


I just,you know--
Matt, for one night, I just wish--


I just--


Matt, I just wish I could give you my eyes
for one night.


- It's like that?
- It's like that.


You want me to take you
up there, Matt? Matt?




[ Glasses Tinkling ]


[ Grunts ]


[ Sniffs ]


Now I found you.


Look, I'm really sorry
about the other night.


You're here now.


That's all that matters.


Wow. Engraved
cufflinks, huh?


Because it's
Wesley Owen Welch.


Let's cut to the chase.
If this were up to me-- and it is--


Do you really think the Fisk Corporation
would actually hire...


some pro bono, storefront
Hell's Kitchen lawyers, let alone a blind one.


Come on.
I've already filled...


our quota of handicapped employees
for the year.


Go back to the Kitchen,
Franklin Nelson.


What a dick.


��[ MellowJazz ]


You look
beautiful tonight.


Do you mind?


Uh, no. I just-- Sometimes it makes people
uncomfortable, that's all.


Not me.


But you should know...


that the only reason
I got dressed up for this thing...


was that I wanted
to look beautiful for you.


I wish you could
see me tonight.


Me too.


- Matt.
- What's wrong?


Uh, it's just...


good things don't
happen to me very often.


When they do,
I get scared.


Nothing bad
is gonna happen.


I promise.


[ Engine Starts,
Revving ]


Hi. Hello.






Oh, doesn't she look


I think she's happy.


I haven't seen her smile like that
since before her mother was killed.


poor girl.
Right in front ofher eyes.


Why do you have
to bring that up now?


History has a way
of repeating itself.


- What are you saying?
- I'm just saying good-bye, old friend.


I'm just saying




- Something's happening. Papa.
- What is it?


- Go back to the party.
- [ Speaking Greek ] What's wrong?


Elektra! [ Speaks Greek ]
Stavros will take you home.


Papa? Papa?


- [ Speaking Greek ]
- Tell me where you're going.


[ Speaking Greek ]


You wait-- Ooh!


[ Speaking Greek ]


I'm sorry.


[ Horn Honks ]


[ Tires Screeching ]


- [ Speaking Greek ]
- [ Speaking Greek ]


- What is going on? Tell me.
- New York is not a safe place tonight.


[ Speaking Greek ]


- [ Speaking Greek ]
- Watch out!


I missed.
I never miss.


Drop somethin'?


Bullseye, huh?


[ Siren Wailing ]


[ Clicking ]




[ Sobbing ]


[ Man ]
Get that over
to Forensics right away.


- Hey, Nick.
- What do you want, Urich?
Does all this make you happy?


Looks like
you got your story.


[ Screams ]


[ Woman ] police are still
investigating the murder
of Greek shipping heir--


[ Man ] Nikolas Natchios
as the so-called Kingpin of crime--


[ Woman ] The self-styled vigilante
is wanted for murder.


[ Whirring ]


Now how did you
get past my security?


Oh, you mean that guy?
[ Chuckling ]


Was that really necessary?


Necessary, no.
It was fun.


You know, you've exceeded
all my expectations.


You even managed to implicate
Daredevil in the process.


You should be pleased.


He... made me...




There's an old saying that
''too much pride can kill a man.''


The Devil is mine.


I've heard that before...


all too many times.


But answer me this.


How do you kill a man
without fear?


By puttin'
the fear in him.


Ah. I like that.
But first...


give Elektra all my best.


Is there anything else?




I want a fuckin' costume.


And what happened from there,


Well, let's see,


Man, I was so high,
I can't remember everything.


[ Muttering ]


Excuse me one second,
Your Honor, I'm working alone today.


Just a second.


[ Chuckles, Mutters ]


It's braille.
It's braille.


It says here, okay--


Mr.Jackson, it says here
that you were...


at Chumley's Tavern
until 1 0:1 5...


and then you went
to meet a friend.




- I went to meet Turk
because he owed me money.
- Yes.!


And it was there that you
passed out from drinking, correct?


Smoking weed, mostly.


Thank you
for clarifying that.


Now, Officer McKensie has testified
you were found holding a handgun.


- That's a lie!
- In fact, you don't even
own a handgun, do you?


- No, sir.
- Have you ever owned
a handgun, Mr.Jackson?


- No, sir.
- Do you have any intention
of owning a handgun?


- No, sir.
- Thank you.


- Can't hit nothin'with a handgun.
- Thank you.


But a shotgun, now that's
a whole different story.


- Shotgun got buckshot--like little pellets.
- Thank you. That's all.


When you shoot,
they just kind of spray out.


Thank you, Mr.Jackson.
I have no further questions, Your Honor.


Court's in recess!


Mr. Nelson.


For your sake, I hope your partner
comes back soon.


Me too.
Me too.


- I know how you feel.
- You don't know how I feel.


I want revenge.


Revenge won't make the pain go away.
Trust me. I know.


- There's no place for me now.
- Yes, there is.


Stay with me.




[ Thunder Rumbling ]


Elektra. Elektra, wait.






- Matt.
- Why are you following me?


- It's Ben Urich.
- I know who it is.


What do you want?


Your client's innocent.


[ Breathing Heavily ]




I had a source from my Kingpin story
named Lisa Tazio.


- Lisa Tazio had access to the Kingpin?
- No.


One of his guys--
pillow talk.


She was selling me information bit by bit.
I never got a name.


Will you testify
to that?


Well, First Amendment and all that,
plus the case is still open.


Is there anything that you can tell me
that will help my client?


Yeah, I got a cousin over in Hoboken,
runs a Mercedes dealership.


He sold a 500 SL...
to a Robert McKensie.


Officer McKensie.


- That doesn't make sense.
He was telling the truth.
- Matt.


That's three years cop's salary.
The guy ain't tellin' the truth.


A future. Our future.
Our children.


[ Chuckles, Mutters ]


[ Singing Softly ]




- Gotta love that new car smell, McKensie.
- Murdock, what the--


[ Grunting ]


[ Groaning ]


Never driven one of these stick-shifts before.
How does this work?


- Stop it!
- Take it easy, McKensie, we'll go for a ride.


- This is a nice car. Where'd you get this?
- Lots of cops got Mercedes.


Yeah? I bet.


Jesus Christ!
You're crazy.


Yeah, I'm crazy.
Who killed Lisa Tazio?




Stop the goddamn car!


Here's the hard part-- parallel parking.
How is it? Like this?


What do you want?


I want to know why your goddamn
heart rate hasn't changed!




- When'd you get the pacemaker?
- Three years ago. So what?


You lied in court.
That's perjury.


You think I'm the only one?


You take me down,
there's a hundred more to take my place.


This is bigger than you, Murdock.
It's bigger than all of us.


The Kingpin.


He runs the whole
goddamn town.


You cross him, you're gonna end up
like Natchios...


eighty-sixed by some maniac
like Bullseye--


and he won't stop there.


- What does that mean?
- Kingpin doesn't just kill you...


he kills your whole family.


I have coffee.


Did you get ahold
of Matt?


No. He'll call.
Don't worry.


- You should really get home, Karen.
- I'm fine.


- How are you doing?
- Oh, me? I'm great.


I'm making ridiculously
little progress...


for the amount of time
I've invested in this.


Is your mom
coming to town?


- My mom? No.
- What's that note?


Oh, that? That's Matt's
big contribution to the Tazio case...


which has surprisingly turned out to be
completely useless.




What's the date
of the murder?


August 9th. Why?


Maybe you're looking at it wrong?
August 9th.


''August 9th. WOW.''






Wesley Owen Welch.


Son of a bitch.


Oh, cha-ching.


This better
be good, Kirby.


You know me, Urich.
It's always good.


[ Sighs ]


Okay. Are you ready to see something
really, really cool?


- Come on.
- Okay.




Oh, come on, man.
I'm throwin'you gold.


- Give me my money. I've seen it. Come on.
- Why?


All right. Well,
but have you seen this?


And tighty-righty,


You said look out
for anything weird,yes?


Well, it's some pretty
weird shit right here, man, right?


You have no idea.


[ phone Ringing ]


- Yeah.
- Yeah, this is Franklin Nelson.


Uh, this is not
a good time.


It's about Lisa Tazio.


[ Sniffing ]


[ Squeaking ]


[ Dog Barking ]


[ Sniffing ]


- [ Hisses ]
- [ Squeaking ]


Remember me?


No. Wait.


It wasn't me.


It was a hit man
named Bullseye.


- I didn't kill your father.
- Liar.


- I'm not going to fight you.
- Good. Then this will be quick.


[ Grunting, Groaning ]


[ Yells ]


[ Groans ]


I want to look into the eyes
of my father's killer as he dies.


Wait. Wait.


Now you know.


- Oh, God.
- I was...just trying to protect you...


um, Elektra.


I'm sorry.


[ Whistling, Laughing ]


That's him. That's Bullseye.
Listen to me.


- You have to run.
- He has to pay for what he's done.


No. You have to--


I don't want
to lose you again.


- I'll find you.
- [ Bullseye Laughing ]


[ Bullseye ]
Come on, girl.!


[ Wolf Whistle ]


[ Laughing ]
Hey, orphan. Let's play.


Nice. Come on.




[ Chuckles ]


[ Groaning ]


You're good, baby.
I'll give you that.


But me?


I'm magic.


Now for my next trick.


No! No!


[ Siren Wailing ]


[ Helicopter Approaching ]


[ Man On p.A.]
N. Y.p.D. Aviation.


Do not move.! Get on your knees
and put your hands on your head.


I repeat. Get on your knees
and put your hands on your head.


Help me.


Stay with me.


[ Heart Beating ]


[ Heart Beat Slowing ]


[ Siren Approaching Closer ]


[ Helicopter Overhead ]


[ Man ]
Everything clear.


[ Radio Chatter,
Indistinct ]


[ Groans ]


[ priest ]
Matthew. Matthew.


Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.


This is my confession,


God's mercy is infinite.
All ya gotta do is ask.


Everything I had
has been taken from me.


Now I'm supposed to ask
for mercy.


I don't ask for mercy--
people ask me.


Oh, is that a fact?


First one's a warning...




Is there a back door
out of here?


- Yeah.
- Take it. Call the police.


What about you?


- I have to finish this.
- But you can't fight like this, son.


Have faith, Father.


Isn't that right?
[ Grunting ]


You. Let's play.


[ Coughing, Gasping ]


- [ Clanging ]
- [ Groans ]


Caine, I want the blueprints
and the city grids.


- Secure the perimeter.
Where's my SWAT team?
- Yes, sir.


- The doors are locked from the inside, sir.
- Break 'em down.


It's a church, sir.


- Your point?
- Yes, sir.


- Let's get a battering ram in here now.
- You got it.


[ Grunting ]


- [ Bell Tolls ]
- [ Groaning ]


Go! Go! Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go! Go!


- Hey, Coyle, keep 'em in your sights.
- Which one?


- Both of'em! I want a man on that roof!.
- Ready?


- [ Bell Tolling ]
- Man without fear. [ Chuckles ]


- Looks like I found
somethin'you're afraid of.
- [ Tolling Continues ]


Let's bring on the pain.


Let's bring on the noise.


[ Groaning ]


Fisk was right about you.
He said you wouldn't go easy.


Fisk is the Kingpin?




The whole red rose thing?
He loves that shite.


It's not my style.


He hired me to kill Natchios.


And to gut
your pretty girlfriend too.


But me, I'm goin'
for the hat trick.


I told him
I'd do you for free.


The Devil is mine.
[ Growling ]


[ Gun Cocking ]


[ Screaming ]


Oh, my hands!
My hands!


You took away my hands.


Show mercy.


[ Screaming ]


[ Screaming ]






- Freeze!
- Whoa!


Don't move!
Don't move!


- Stay on him.! Stay on him.! Stay on him.!
- Detective, look!


Good luck, son.


There's been a problem.


- Bullseye failed.
- Correct.


Then he'll be coming here


- Why would you say that?
- Because that's what I would do.


Well, then we'll
be ready for him, sir.


Send the guards home.


- B-But, sir--
- I was raised in the Bronx, Wesley.


This is something
you wouldn't understand.


Yes, sir.


[ Thunder Crashing ]


- I have to talk to you.
- Give me a break, Urich.


- Doors are open, Detective.
- Terrific.Just in time.


- Freddy, keep those people back!
- You're gonna wanna hear this.


I just got an anonymous tip
on the Tazio murder.


Phone it into the station.
I got much bigger problems tonight.


It leads to Wilson Fisk.


Nick, he's the Kingpin
and I can prove it.


Come on.
You got nothin' on Fisk.


No, but I got the guy
that does.


Would you care
for another martini, sir?


No, I come here
for the view, asshole.


- Wesley Owen Welch?
- Who wants to know?


Detective Nick Manolis.


I'd like to talk to you
about the murder of Lisa Tazio.


I want my lawyer.


I haven't charged you
with anything.


I won't talk to you
without my lawyer present.


All right, then I'll talk,
you listen--


and then we can
talk about your plea bargain.




[ Thunder Rumbling ]


- Daredevil.
- [ Thunder ]




[ Yelling ]


[ Groaning, Grunting ]


[ Muffled Speaking ]


[ Groaning ]


[ Sniffs ]


It's a shame
you came here wounded.


I would have loved to
fight you in your prime.


They call you
the man without fear.


If that's true, why are you afraid
to show your face?


[ Chuckles ]
I don't believe it.


No. No. No.


The blind lawyer from Hell's Kitchen?
[ Chuckling ]


You killed the only two people
I ever loved.






It's all it ever is,
is business.


I was working for Fallon
at the time.


Your father was supposed
to throw a fight.


And your girl...


was in the wrong family
at the wrong time.


It's all business.


[ Elektra's Voice ]
I'll find you.


[ Kingpin ]
And you've been in
my business for too long.


[ Yelling ]


[ Screaming ]


- [ Bones Cracking ]
- [ Screaming Continues ]


I've been thinking about this day
since I was 1 2 years old.


[ Yells ]


I don't understand.


I'm not the bad guy.


- [ Sirens Wailing ]
- You hear that, blind man?


[ Grunts ]


They're coming for you.


- For me?
- [ Sirens Continue ]


Didn't you hear?
The word's out on the Kingpin.


They're coming for you.
I can hear the police radios from here.


No. No. I swear, I'll tell them
who you are.


Yeah? Go ahead.


Tell 'em. Tell the guys at Rikers
all about how you got beat by a blind man.


It'll be like
blood in the water.


Oh. Don't worry about that.
'Cause I'll get out.


Yeah. I know.


And I'll be waiting.


Justice is served.


I'll get you.
[ Chuckles ]


I'll get you.
[ Laughs ]


It's not over with yet.
[ Laughing ]


[ Continues Laughing ]
It's not over with yet.


[ Continues Laughing ]


[ Continues Laughing ]


This is for you, Dad.


- Congratulations.
- Thank you, Mr. Murdock.
I appreciate everything.


- Seriously, congratulations.
- You the man.


All right. Yeah.
Keep it real.


I appreciate


I'm feelin' you, man.
You ever need anything,
come down to 1 1 7 th Street.


I'll do that.
Thank you.


- That's it, dog.
- You stuck by me.


- That's it, dog.
- You stuck by me.


Nobody wouldn't touch me
with a 20,000 foot pole.


- Oh.
- All right.


I could cry right now.
You're like a brother to me, man.


''Police say that although
there were no eyewitnesses...

they suspect Daredevil
was the one to bring Fisk to justice.''


Did you hear that?
There were no eyewitnesses.


It's in black and white.
How can you be a skeptic?


If there's no eyewitness--
I mean, you know, Bigfoot has eyewitnesses.


- Oh, please.
- The alligators in the sewers.


So you're saying there are
alligators in the sewers?


- No.
- You're changing your position on this one.


Do you or do you not concede
that there are alligators in the sewers?


- please answer the question.
- [ Bell Jingles ]


- No, I don't--
- How can you not concede? You won't--


[ Woman ]
Judy, we're over here.!


How you doin'?


- I'm doin' okay. I'll be all right.
- You want to talk about it?


No. But thanks.


- I'm gonna get some air.
- I got it.




[ Sniffing ]


[ Priest ]
Good to see you.


Nice to see you.
Thank you very much.


Bueno. See you next week.


Well, maybe next week,
Matt, huh?


[ Chuckles ]


- Matt.
- Ben.


Promised my kids I'd quit.
Gum's gonna kill me quicker.


- How are you?
- I'm all right. I'm good.


- Thank you.
- Well, don't thank me so quick.


You see there's this other
story I been workin' on.


I wanted to tell you about it
before it hit the paper.


I know the truth
about Daredevil.


Justice is blind.


if you run that story...


I'm finished.


[ Sighs ]


But I'm a reporter, kid.


It's what I do.


[ Matt Narrating ]
Violence doesn't discriminate.


It hits all of us...


rich, poor, healthy, sick.


It comes as cold and bracing
as a winter breeze off the Hudson.


Until it sinks
into your bones...


leaving you with a chill
you can't shake.


[ Fly Buzzing ]


- [ Grunting ]
- They say there's no rest for the wicked.


But what about the good?


The battle of good
versus evil is never-ending...


- [ Swoosh, Thud ]
- [ Buzzing Stops ]


- [ Buzzing ]
- because evil always survives...


- [ Grunts ] Bull's-eye.
- with the help of evil men.


[ Tinkling ]


[ Tinkling Continues ]




[ Typing ]


As for Daredevil, well...


soon the world
will know the truth--


that this is a city
born ofheroes...


that one man
can make a difference.


Go get 'em, Matt.


[ Matt Narrating ]
Hell's Kitchen is my neighborhood.


I prowl the rooftops
and alleyways at night...


watching from the darkness.


Forever in darkness.


A guardian devil.



You see there's this other
story I been workin' on.


I wanted to tell you about it
before it hit the paper.


I know the truth
about Daredevil.


Justice is blind.


if you run that story...


I'm finished.


[ Sighs ]


But I'm a reporter, kid.


It's what I do.


[ Matt Narrating ]
Violence doesn't discriminate.


It hits all of us...


rich, poor, healthy, sick.


It comes as cold and bracing
as a winter breeze off the Hudson.


Until it sinks
into your bones...


leaving you with a chill
you can't shake.


[ Fly Buzzing ]


- [ Grunting ]
- They say there's no rest for the wicked.


But what about the good?


The battle of good
versus evil is never-ending...


- [ Swoosh, Thud ]
- [ Buzzing Stops ]


- [ Buzzing ]
- because evil always survives...


- [ Grunts ] Bull's-eye.
- with the help of evil men.


[ Tinkling ]


[ Tinkling Continues ]




[ Typing ]


As for Daredevil, well...


soon the world
will know the truth--


that this is a city
born ofheroes...


that one man
can make a difference.


Go get 'em, Matt.


[ Matt Narrating ]
Hell's Kitchen is my neighborhood.


I prowl the rooftops
and alleyways at night...


watching from the darkness.


Forever in darkness.