Uzys SRT converter

[ typewriter clacking ]


[ airplane engines ]


[ radio chatter ]


[ bomb explodes ]


[ typewriter clacking ]


Japan has surrendered,


brought to its knees


by the most terrible weapon
ever devised,


the atomic bomb.


The country is a smoking ruin.


Despite this, their ruler,
Emperor Hirohito,


is still worshipped
by his people as a living god.


[ soldiers shouting ]


We have placed
this Sacred Son of Heaven


on the protected list


until we decide
what to do with him.


[ film clicks through projector gate ]


FELLERS: I fear the Japan
I fell in love with


will be scarred beyond recognition.


I'm seeing
aerial reconnaissance photos,


but they only tell part of the story.


[ birds chirping ]


[ woman laughing ]


[ laughing ]


General Fellers,


the old man wants you up front.


General MaCArthur, sir.


I'm told there will be
2,000 Imperial troops


lining the road
we'll have to drive, and, um...


We have 100 men, sir,


and the cars they've
requisitioned for us


are not armored.


The snipers could take us out
at any point, General.




FELLERS: Sir, the Emperor
rallied his people


in ways that were unimaginable
only a month ago.


He did so by ordering them
to surrender


without ever using the word
"surrender. "


He simply asked that they
"endure the unendurable. "


And I do not doubt
their allegiance to him,


nor to his order to surrender, sir.


Get through to Washington and tell them
I've consulted my experts,


and there's nothing to worry about.


That'll do.


Gentlemen, we will take
no weapons with us


when we step off this airplane.


Nothing will impress them more


than a show of absolute fearlessness.


If they don't know
they're licked by now,


they will get the picture today.


Now, let's show them


some good old-fashioned
American swagger.


[ correspondents chattering,
cameras clicking ]


General! General Mac!


Welcome to Japan, Mac.


Good to see you.


This way, sir!


FELLERS: The worst war
in all history is over.


Now is the time to win
this fragile peace,


or impose it if we have to.


We are the occupying power...


but we must be seen as liberators,
not conquerors.


MaCARTHUR: Not your usual
surrender formation.


They avert their gaze
for the Emperor, too, sir.


They are paying you
the ultimate respect.


I know.


[ music ]


[ man speaking Japanese ]


All right, let's move it!


You two men at the top of the stairs.




FELLERS: Our headquarters is just across
from the Imperial Palace...


in one of the few buildings
our B-29s missed.


The palace is strictly off limits
to our forces.


General MaCArthur has ordered me
to arrest and bring to justice


30 of the Class A war criminals
who are close to Emperor Hirohito.


[ overlapping conversations ]


FELLERS: Rogers.


Take those down.


FELLERS: Listen up.


Attention, gentlemen.


I want all suspects arrested
in a one-hour window.


We cannot give them time to react.


We'll begin with former
Prime Minister Tojo at 2100 hours.


Let's go!


You heard him! Get busy!


FELLERS: Hustle it up!


The arrests must be made
as close to simultaneous as possible.


All right.


Let's move it out!


Let's go!


It's an island.


They're not going anywhere.


There's a long tradition
of suicide, General.


General Fellers?


I am Takahashi,
your driver and interpreter.


What did you say
your name was again?


Takahashi, at your service.


Follow me.


And you work for me, correct?


Exclusively, sir.


MAN: Move it!


It's a private matter.


Find her.


Let's go.


Go, move it.


Come on, come on!




Move! Move!


[ gunshot ]


[ officer shouts ]


[ door opens ]


Watch for booby traps.


Check that door!


He's still alive.
Get a medic in here, now.




RICHTER: Shoots himself in the chest
and misses his heart?


What was he mumbling?


FELLERS: He was apologizing
for taking so long to die.


[ elevator bell dings ]


These people are barbaric.


They have different ideas of honor.


RED: Sir.


Sector five, six, and nine.


RED: I'll take care of it.


General MaCArthur, sir.


As you were.


Come with me.




RICHTER: 26 of the top 29 accused
were successfully detained, sir.


And the others?


Took their own lives, sir.


That is unacceptable,


What about Tojo?


but we got there in time.


Do not let that son of a bitch die
before we get a chance to hang him.


Our mission has changed.


The President has taken the Emperor
off the protected list.


He can be tried
as a war criminal if we want.


Clearly, it is what
the Justice Department wants.


But they have given me all of 10 days


to conduct an investigation
into the Emperor's role in the war.


- 10 days?
- That's right.


That's not feasible, sir.


But isn't there a consensus
already, sir?


The whole world wants
the Emperor damned to hell.


Thank you, Richter, that'll do.




Come in here, Fellers.


How long since you were here?


Five years ago, sir.


It's hard to come back
and see it like this, isn't it?


Yes, sir.


Well, we have a job to do.


There is a strong consensus
about the fate of the Emperor,


but it doesn't mean shit to me.


I won't be bullied
by those cretins in Washington.


My mission is to rebuild Japan.


Yes, sir.


If I arrest the Emperor,
I'll face mass suicides,


possibly open revolt.


If I put him on trial,


I could be setting a spark
to a powder keg


at precisely the wrong moment.


Your thoughts, Fellers?


There's always the question
ofjustice, sir.




And on the practical side,
there's Stalin.


Oh, that son of a bitch.


I don't want
the Communists in here.


But Washington wants vengeance
on the Emperor,


because their voters do,


and their voters have no fucking idea
what's good for them.


If the Emperor goes,
the Reds will enter.


Staving off the Communists
is the plight of our times, sir.


A plight that rests with you, Fellers.


I'm making this your job,
not Richter's.


10 days.


I have confidence in you.


Sir, I am deeply honored,
but I'm not sure-


You know this country.


You love it.


You hate it.


Your thinking about it
has been dead on so far,


and I know you'll meet their deadline,


because, like me,
you don't want those bastards


making our decisions for us.


The conclusion has to be ours.


Pardon the Emperor,
or depose and arrest him,


but make a decision.


Commit it to paper
for my consideration and approval.


You're right.


General, I have a Jeep for you.


I'll walk.


It's not safe.


[ cigarette lighter clinks ]


FELLERS: On the night
of the 1 Oth of March, 1945,


our bombers turned
the Japanese capital


into the largest crematorium
the world has ever known.


[ homeless people
conversing in Japanese ]


100,000 people were incinerated
in a single air raid.


The stench of burnt flesh
and rotting bodies still lingers.


This country is starving


and teetering on the edge
of total collapse.


It wouldn't take much for their resentment
to ignite into revolt.


And the fate of the Emperor
could be just the spark.


[ people conversing in Japanese ]


[ instrumental music playing on radio ]


[ patrons conversing in Japanese ]


MAN: [ speaking Japanese ]


BAR WOMAN: [ speaking Japanese ]


[ grunts ]


[ bicycle clicking ]


FELLERS: Miss! Excuse me, miss.


You dropped these.


Thank you.


Keep it.


[ girl giggles ]


[ band playing up-tempo jazz ]


[ screams and laughter ]


Let's do the Lindy!


Aya, let's go somewhere else.


Sorry, I didn't know
it would be so wild in there.


[ music echoes in distance ]


Let's dance here.


[ chuckles ]


[ soft music ]


I've been wondering
how you got the nerve


to come so far from home
all alone.


Well, I am too,
how do you say...


outspoken for a Japanese girl.




Is that a serious flaw?


[ laughs ]


[ Fellers and Aya laughing ]




I checked the address
of her apartment in Tokyo.


It was hit in a bombing
three months ago.


The house was demolished.


She substituted
at a school near Shizuoka.


Contact her uncle,
General Kajima.


He'll know where she is.


Yes, sir.


Gentlemen, our mission
has changed.


We will investigate
the Emperor for war crimes.


The key players will go here.


We're dividing it
into three categories:


the military on this side,


Imperial staff,
and politicians.


ROGERS: Sir, the information
you asked for.


All right.


FELLERS: We will detain
and interrogate as many as we can find.


Ma'am? Ma'am,
do you speak English?


FELLERS: Tracking them down
won't be easy.


Having a street address
is not much use


when whole streets have disappeared
off the face of the Earth.


I don't anticipate
too much cooperation.


So these are the top
military commanders.


We now have 32 names.


These were the people that were with
the Emperor when the war started.


There's not enough time
to investigate them all.


There's no other way
to know which of them


might have critical information, sir.


RED: None of our Japanese
so-called friends


are in the mix,
so they can't help us.


If our friends can't help us,
let's try our enemies.


They'll never turn
on their buddies, sir.


They have no incentive.


They might if it means
saving their Emperor.


FELLERS: Tojo was hand-picked
by the Emperor


to be Prime Minister.


The order to attack Pearl Harbor
came from his office.


Following his attempted suicide,
he is being held at Sugamo Prison,


awaiting trial for war crimes.


Our medics are keeping him alive
long enough to face execution.


You are going to hang,
Mr. Prime Minister.


Do you want the Emperor
to have the same fate?


[ speaking Japanese ]


I need three names.


[ speaking Japanese ]


[ speaks Japanese ]




[ keys jingle, door unlocks ]


[ door opens and slams shut ]


That'll be all. Thank you.


General Fellers, sir.


Not now, Rogers.


Fumimaro Konoe.


Fumimaro Konoe was replaced
as Prime Minister


right before the war started.


There must have been
a good reason.


- Set up a meeting.
- Yes, sir.


How influential is his family?




So he'll consider suicide?


Yes, sir.


No need.


I'm surprised I wasn't arrested


with Tojo and the others.


Your name was on the list.


I removed it, for now.


You know the Emperor well.


As well as anyone
can know His Majesty.


Was he against the war?


His Majesty is against all wars.


He is a pacifist by nature,
very gentle.


Yet he gave permission
for Pearl Harbor.


When Tojo and the militarists took power,
His Majesty was drawn in.


It was a national delusion.


Could he have stopped it?


I don't know.


I was removed from power by then.




Three months
before Pearl Harbor,


I opened a secret channel
to President Roosevelt.


I said I would meet him anywhere
to find a way to avoid a conflict.


We still could have stopped it,


but it was not in the interest
of the militarists.


So he does bear responsibility
for starting the war?


It's not a black and white issue,


[ exhales ]


[ Fellers' footsteps ]


Millions of people died
in his name.


Your skies were filled
with kamikazes.


Atrocities were committed every day
as he expanded his empire,


invading, conquering, decimating.


You incinerated two of our cities,


turning our children
into shadows on the walls.


We are both guilty.


Yes, we seized territory in China,


but did not Great Britain,
even Portugal, precede us?


Yes, we took Singapore
and the Malaya,


but we took it from the British.


We did not take the Philippines
from the Filipinos,


but from the Americans,
who themselves took it from the Spanish.


If it is an international crime
to take territory by force,


who convicted the British, French,
Dutch, and American leaders?




And what is different with Japan?




You see, General, we are simply
following your fine example.


I don't need a history lesson,
Your Excellency.


The only thing I know
for certain is,


during the war,
there was a fever over Japan.


I was part of that fever.


I cannot give you
what you want, General.


Then who can?


You must speak with Kido.


[ typewriter clacking ]


FELLERS: Koichi Kido,


Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal...


the Emperor's closest advisor


behind the high walls
of the Imperial Palace...


at Hirohito's side constantly
from Pearl Harbor to Hiroshima.


We contacted his entourage,


and he has accepted my invitation
to meet at a discreet location,


well away from our headquarters.


[ speaking Japanese ]


[ laughs ]


Evening, ma'am.


I'm here to pick up Aya.


Aya's not here.


Oh. We were supposed to meet.


Do you know where she is?


Aya went back to Japan
this morning.




Did she leave a note?




He's not going to show, is he?


No, sir.


He's afraid he'll get arrested.


You send him a message from me.


When he sees his Emperor
hanging from the end of a rope,


it was Kido that hanged him.


Yes, Mr. President.


No, I think you've hit the mark,
Mr. President.




And thank you, sir.


You lying son of a bitch.




We're still looking for Kido, sir.


God damn it, Fellers,


if Kido is the key
to this investigation,


I don't care what you have to do.


Perform a miracle if you must,


but do not come back to this office


unless you are dragging him
by the balls.




Yes, sir.


ROGERS: Hell, he even wore
a naval uniform that day, sir.


I don't see what else you need.


He might have known about it,


might have even signed
his name to it,


but did he want to start it
and could he really have stopped it?


He's the Emperor, sir.
He could do whatever he wanted.


It might seem that way
on the surface,


but this is a nation
of contradictions.


I guess they escape me.


Does seem pretty
cut and dried, sir.


We need to focus
on the stepping-stone meetings


that led Japan to war.


Who were the key players


and how close to the Emperor
were they?


It is an intricate web of power


surrounding the Emperor.


The Chrysanthemum Throne
is a mystery,


even unto itself.


If I find the Emperor guilty,
Washington will be delighted.


[ clacking ]


They want him to pay
the ultimate price.


Who is this man, really?


Could he have stopped
Japan going to war,


even if he wanted to?


Konoe is right.


Nothing in Japan
is ever black and white.


There are a million shades of gray.


[ shouts and despairing cries ]


[ indistinct conversations ]


[ flute playing ]


Hi, mister.


[ speaking Japanese ]


Aya, I hope you don't mind me


showing up like this unannounced,


but I was serving duty
in the Philippines,


and I got an assignment
to come to Japan.


Since I was nowhere near
the neighborhood, I thought...


Please, go away.


Aya, I sent you so many letters,


none of which you...
you returned.


You shouldn't have come.


[ school bell ringing ]


[ speaks Japanese ]


[ speaks Japanese ]


[ speaks Japanese ]


Good morning.


STUDENTS: Good morning.


Good morning.


Good morning.


Shimada Sensei...


[ speaking Japanese ]


They are going to call the police.


May I walk with you a little bit?


My father made me promise one thing,


that I would never marry
an American.


When he became ill,
I came back to Japan.


He passed away.


I'm sorry.


You look as beautiful
as the first time we ever met.


[ knife tapping crystal ]


Gentlemen, we won't be dining
on steak tonight.


This country is starving,


and if word got out
that we were feasting,


we would lose our moral authority,


and, of course, moral authority
is what we need the most.


Ah, it looks as if our dinner is ready.


Courage, men.


[ laughter ]


I intend to make Japan
the world's greatest experiment


in the liberation of a people
from military rule.


How is your investigation
coming, General?




I hear you're working
round the clock...


you and all the other
top Japan experts.


Excuse me for a moment,


[ sighs ]


You know, he's playing you,


MaCArthur, like a fiddle.


[ cigarette lighter clinks ]


MaCArthur believes in honor.


And glory.


His own, of course,
at your expense.


He wants to save Hirohito,
but he needs you to do it.


He doesn't need me.


He's the Supreme Commander.


Oh, he's much more ambitious
than that.


He wants to be the next President
of the United States.


What do you think
all those photographs are for?


Are you finished, General?


He doesn't want to ruin his chances
of being nominated,


and he knows Americans want to see
the Emperor's head on a stake.


Have you stopped to consider
what would happen


if the Emperor were to hang?


This whole occupation
could blow up on us.


It's not a decision I'll take lightly.


I agree.
It's a quagmire,


but justice should be served.


Revenge is not
the same thing as justice.


You play it how you want,


but if MaCArthur finds a way
to save Hirohito


and blame it on you,


he'll do it.


He has no guarantee
that I will exonerate the Emperor.


He knows you share
his phobia of Communists.


It's precisely why he chose you.


He also knows you have
an affinity for Japan...


and Japanese women.


Don't let him play you, General.


Ready, Higgins?


Over here, Eichelberger,
for your moment in the sun.


There we go.


Very good, sir.


MaCARTHUR: Very good.
That went quite well, I think.


I'll be sure you all get a copy.


Where to, sir?


That document I gave you
on the woman, where is it?


Right here, sir.


Did you let anyone see it?


Of course not, sir.


Here it is.


No, that's all right, you keep it.


I need a drink.


I'll take you, sir.


FELLERS: Did you find out
anything else on her?


I have not been able
to contact her uncle.


But she was teaching
at a school near Shizuoka,


but the town was bombed.


Bombed? Shizuoka?




Nine months ago.


That's impossible.


The damage was... extensive.


How far is it?


Three hours from here.


Let's go.


[ school bell ringing ]


[ speaks Japanese ]


[ speaks Japanese ]




Made you smile.


You worked late.




While I waited, I did some research
for this paper I have to write.


I learned a lot just walking
around your school.


How do you get your kids
to clean the grounds?


- [ boys shouting in Japanese ]
- [ rock strikes ]


[ shouting in Japanese ]


[ boys laughing ]


[ shouting in Japanese ]


Keep the pressure.


[ faucet running ]


The army is teaching kids
to hate foreigners.


Those pamphlets
on the shelf,


they hand them out everywhere.


I hate what it's doing to people.




Some of my students aren't even
allowed to study English anymore.


My class is so small now.


I am afraid, after all.


I'm afraid for...


their future.


[ engine stops ]


[ crickets and cicadas chirping ]


[ stifled sob ]


I want to know
who survived this raid.


I would like a list.


I can get you a list
of the dead, sir.


ROGERS: Sir, these are the names
we're still trying to track down.


- MaCARTHUR: Ready, Higgins?
- HIGGINS: Yes, sir.


Let's see,
I think I'll stand here.


Hold it.


MaCARTHUR: All right.


- How do I look?
- AIDE: Very good, sir.


- Yeah.
- There you are, sir.


The baton is quite dramatic.


Very good, sir.


[ typewriter clacking ]


[ crumples paper ]


My uncle is a general.


He would be able to help you.


Come here.


[ laughs ]


[ train whistle blows ]


[ man making P.A. announcement
in Japanese ]


Don't look at them.


Don't make eye contact.


[ P.A. announcements continue ]


[ train whistle blows ]


[ speaking Japanese ]


AYA: I used to come here as a girl.


My uncle would tell me giants
lived in these mountains.


[ train whistle blows ]


It's gonna be fine.








Ah, Aya-Chan...


Oh, uh, welcome.


It's a pleasure.


Uh, please, come in.


Follow me.


[ speaking Japanese ]


[ speaking Japanese ]


[ speaks Japanese ]


[ speaks Japanese ]


Oh... [ chuckles ]


Your Japanese is very good.


So is your English.


You're surprised?


I served two years at the Japanese
embassy in Washington,


Military Attach?


Please sit down.


Ah, I'm sorry.


It fascinated me.


Ah, these are my sons.


Eiji, Akio.


[ speaking Japanese ]


What binds you Americans together,
beyond the colors of your flag?


You see, Colonel,
you will never understand


complete devotion
to one set of values.


Your culture is much older
and... and deeply rooted,


and I hold it in the highest regard.


And yet you are
trying to undermine it


with your oil embargo.


MITSUKO: [ clears throat ]


We'll speak of that tomorrow.


Tonight, we drink more sake.


Ah. Please.


- Would you like...
- Yes.


My niece tells me
you are writing a paper


on the mind
of the Japanese soldier.




You have much to learn.




Most of my books on the Japanese army
are in Japanese,


but some are in English,
French, and Russian.


You're welcome to read them.


The English ones are here.


If I may,


what role does the Emperor play


in the mindset
of the Japanese soldier?


Above all else,


His Majesty is the reason


the Japanese soldier is superior


to the American soldier
in his sense of duty.


If we fight the United States,


we will win because
we follow his divine will.


[ lighter clinks ]


[ clink ]


[ clink ]


[ clink ]


FELLERS: I want to know
who amongst these men


works inside
the Imperial Palace.


Uh, these two, sir.


The most influential, I'd say,


Vice Minister Sekiya.


Call his office.


RED: It's after 9:00, General.


Call tonight.


Call first thing in the morning.


Send a messenger,
and then call again.


Yes, sir.


Yes, sir.


[ bell dings ]




MaCARTHUR: Yes, Fellers?


Here's what we got, sir.


Vice Minister Teizaburo Sekiya,


- [ bell dings ]
- a high palace official.


Now, his office is in the Palace.


I've reached out to him
through every official channel.


I know your order was not to use weapons
against the Palace.


My order is not to use weapons,
nor force of any kind.


There will be a time when the Emperor
will have to come to me,


and he will come to me.


We're talking about
the Vice Minister, sir.


I need access to him,
but I can't just walk in there.


The Imperial Guards are trained
to defend the grounds to the death.


- Find another way.
- I have, sir.


Request an extension
from Washington.


We are going to meet
their goddamn deadline,


and if you can't do it,
I'll find someone who can.


Then I require weapons, General.


I'll give you a weapon.


Prepare a letter for my signature now.


Yes, sir.


"To the Imperial Household,


"as Supreme Commander
of all Allied forces,


"I order you to allow
Brigadier General Bonner Fellers


"to enter the Imperial premises


"to meet with Vice Minister
Sekiya immediately.


Signed, Supreme Commander,
et cetera. "


You may take a small contingent


solely for your personal protection.


Now, go on.


Yes, sir.


[ typewriter clacking ]


[ taps inkpad ]


TAKAHASHI: Please, sir,
you don't understand.


I understand.






This needs to be arranged,
General Fellers.


I'm going to arrange it right now.


[ speaks Japanese ]


[ shouts in Japanese ]


Tell him we are here
under the order


of the Supreme Commander,
General Douglas MacArthur.


I need to be in a room with
Vice Minister Sekiya in 10 minutes.


Tell him!


[ speaking Japanese ]




[ shouts in Japanese ]


[ whispering in Japanese ]


[ speaking in Japanese ]


Just you. No weapons.


Wait here.


Yes, sir.


[ speaking Japanese ]


[ shouts in Japanese ]


[ heavy thud ]


It would be very helpful
to see something


that reflects the Emperor's
state of mind


before and during the war.


His Majesty does not record
his personal feelings and memories.


Did he write any letters,


messages to military or political
leaders regarding the war?


This is my own private record


of a crucial Imperial Council meeting
three months before the war began.


The Emperor broke all precedent


by unexpectedly addressing
the ministers directly.


His Majesty recited a gyosei
written by his grandfather.


A tanka poem?




[ chanting in Japanese ]


It says, "It is our hope


"that all the world's oceans
be joined in peace.


So why do the winds and waves
now rise up in an angry rage?"


That's not a strong vindication
of the Emperor, sir.


It was an extraordinary
act of courage


for His Majesty to recite it
at that meeting.


The Emperor does not
express himself directly,


as most men do.


Well, I'm going to express
myself very directly,


because 2,000 years of your national
identity are on the line.


Did the Emperor order
the attack on Pearl Harbor?


As I said, His Majesty
recited a tanka poem


written by his grandfather.


I'll be happy to recite it again
for you, General.


If you want to save the Emperor


from being deposed
and put on trial...


I'm gonna need more,
Mr. Vice Minister,


and I'm gonna need it soon.


[ speaking Japanese ]


[ music playing ]


[ patrons speaking Japanese ]


[ speaking Japanese ]


[ laughing ]


[ chopstick holder strikes Fellers ]


[ laughing ]


[ laughing ]


[ men conversing in Japanese ]




[ whispers in Japanese ]


[ grunts ]


[ grunts and groans ]


[ shouting in Japanese ]


[ groans ]


[ coughing ]


[ homeless people
conversing in Japanese ]


General Fellers!


- Leave me alone.
- You are bleeding.


Please, General, come with me.


Why? You want to give me
that list, Takahashi?


The list of the dead.


I don't have it, sir.


Then go home.


Don't you have a family
to go home to?


[ typewriter clacking ]


[ sighs ]


Here, you should add that its roots
are in religious traditions


and can be traced back to Shinto.


If you understand devotion,
you will understand Japan.


[ thunder ]


[ rain falling ]


KAJIMA: There are two Japanese
words you should know.


the way things appear,


the way they really are.


When you look at Japan,


you see the most modern and
Westernized ofAsian countries,


but that is a tatemae,
the surface.


[ thunder ]


And the honne?


KAJIMA: It is the true heartbeat
of my country,


which is more
than 2,000 years old.


It has nothing to do
with the West.


Japan runs on the ancient warrior code
of loyalty and obedience.


[ thunder ]


[ typewriter clacking ]


After an exhaustive review...


I can find no evidence
exonerating the Emperor.


[ thunder ]


As Head of State,
Hirohito cannot sidestep war guilt.


I have no choice but
to conclude that he is part of,


and must be considered an instigator
of the Pacific war.


His arrest and trial may cause
significant internal unrest...


but it is necessary.


[ thunder ]


[ footsteps ]


General Fellers, good news.


What? What time is it?


Midnight, sir.


Kido wants to talk to you.


I'm going to bed.


You don't understand, sir.
I found Kido.


I'm not doing this anymore.


Tomorrow I'll tell MaCArthur


I couldn't give him his miracle.


But he is here, sir!


Kido's here?






He is coming up.


[ bell dings ]


General Fellers.


[ speaking Japanese ]


[ speaks Japanese ]


[ speaks Japanese ]


Hate to disturb you at this hour, sir.


Aya Shimada.


She's from a prominent
semi-noble family


just outside Shizuoka City.


Her father is a major landholder.


They were at college together
in America.


Now, we know
he visited her in Japan.


These are the dates
he was here.


There were no prohibitions


against traveling to Japan
before the war.


Forgive me, sir, but plain and simple,
he's a Jap lover.


That's the worst you have?


No, sir.
The worst is right here.


Fellers had direct input into
the selection of targets in Japan


for Allied bombing raids
from August 1942 to July 1945.


And he attempted to steer planners
away from targets in Shizuoka,


near where Aya Shimada
frequently worked as a teacher.


Excellent work, General.
I'll hold on to these for now.


By all means, sir.


And I will see to it
that you are rewarded


for your dedication, Richter.


Just doing what's right, sir.


Carry on.


[ clicks heels ]


[ speaking Japanese ]


You understand,
this is sensitive.


Certain people won't appreciate
my speaking with you.


[ speaking Japanese ]


On August 9th, the Supreme Council
convened at midnight


to discuss whether or not
to surrender.


[ speaking Japanese ]


TAKAHASHI: Fires burned
throughout the city.


[ explosions ]


[ speaking Japanese ]


TAKAHASHI: Three chief ministers
from the council


spoke against the surrender.


The Foreign Minister,
the Navy Minister,


the President
of the Privy Council


wanted to surrender.


It was three to three,


And how did they break
the... the deadlock?


[ speaking Japanese ]


[ speaking Japanese ]


The Emperor began to speak.


[ speaking Japanese ]


"I trust the Allies," he said.


"I want
to accept their terms.


I wish you all to agree with me. "


[ speaking Japanese ]


TAKAHASHI: The War Minister, Anami,
begged the Emperor...


[ speaking Japanese ]


"You must not surrender. "


[ speaking Japanese ]


[ speaking Japanese ]


The Emperor repeated,


"I wish you all
to agree with me,"


and then he left the room.


FELLERS: And what about
the fanatics in the army?


What happened?
What about them?


[ speaking Japanese ]


[ speaking Japanese ]


TAKAHASHI: His Majesty knew
they would keep fighting,


so he decided to broadcast
his wishes to the people.


He made a recording,


and we were ready to send it
to Radio Tokyo for broadcast.


What time was that?


[ speaks Japanese ]


[ speaks Japanese ]






[ gunfire, shouting ]


A thousand soldiers
attacked the Palace.


[ men shouting ]




[ shouting in Japanese ]


They all came at once?


[ speaking Japanese ]


[ speaking Japanese ]


Six different times.


They were looking
for the recording.






[ gunfire and shouting ]


They were also coming to kill me.




And I believe...




they would have killed His Majesty.


[ coughing ]


[ shouting ]


TAKAHASHI: We hid together
in a basement room.


[ whispers in Japanese ]


They never found us,
or the recording.


At 8:00 A.M., General Tanaka arrived
and stopped the soldiers,


and many of the officers
shot themselves.


Then General Tanaka
went into his room...


- [ gunshot ]
- and shot himself.


Hours later,
the recording was broadcast,


- [ Hirohito speaking ]
- and the whole nation heard the Emperor


tell them in his own voice


that Japan had accepted
the Allies' terms.


I need proof that this happened
the way you just told me.


[ speaking Japanese ]


All records were destroyed,


and many witnesses
killed themselves.


You can believe me or not,


but that is the true story
of how Japan surrendered.


[ speaking Japanese ]


[ engine starts ]


I only have his word.


How do I know it's not blind loyalty
to the Emperor?


Can I take you, sir?


I'll be all right.


I do want to apologize
for the things that I said.


No need, sir.


You don't have a family,
do you, Mr. Takahashi?


My wife died


in one of the first raids
to hit Tokyo.


How did you cope?


I didn't.


I thought I would die, too.


[ starts engine ]


You must go.


The police are starting
to round up Americans.


Our countries will soon be at war.


The car will take you.
They are watching the trains.


Where's Aya?


You're putting Aya at risk.


You must never see her again.


No. You can't do this.




What you want is impossible.




- [ speaking Japanese ]
- [ sobbing ]


[ speaking Japanese ]


[ shouts in Japanese ]




[ shouting in Japanese ]




[ Aya's muted shouts ]


[ shouting in Japanese ]


I need to say something to you.


I commanded troops.


Yes. I looked up your record.


You were at Saipan, Okinawa.


Bloody battles.


We did our duty,


but we lost our humanity.


You must understand...


we Japanese are a selfless people,


capable of immense sacrifice


because of our complete devotion
to a set of ideals.


We are also ruthless warriors...


capable of unspeakable crimes


because of that same
complete devotion.


I cannot tell you if the Emperor
is guilty or innocent.


I don't know
if he brought us to war.


But he has brought us to peace.


He made a brave decision
against intense pressure.


I know you would do the same.


[ footsteps ]


[ panel slides ]


They were written for you.


AYA: You gave me
such happiness,


but life is not so simple.


I hope someday
you will understand


that I only ever had one choice.


[ explosion ]


[ girls screams and cries ]


AYA: In the end,
I am where I belong,


but my heart is with you always.


[ sirens, airplane engines ]


Yours, Aya.


[ explosions ]


[ screams ]


She died with honor.


[ typewriter clacking ]


FELLERS: It is a fundamental
American concept


that the people of any nation
have the inherent right


to choose their own government.


Were the Japanese
given this opportunity,


they would select the Emperor
as their symbolic head of state.


In effecting
our bloodless occupation,


we requisitioned
the services of the Emperor.


By his order, 7 million soldiers
laid down their arms.


Through his act,
hundreds of thousands


ofAmerican casualties
were avoided.


His guilt or innocence
in the prosecution


of the war is unknowable.


But his decisive role in ending the war
is beyond dispute.


If the Emperor were tried
for war crimes,


the governmental structure
would collapse,


and a general uprising
would be inevitable.


There would be
chaos and bloodshed.


It would take more than
a million American servicemen


to oversee the occupation
for years to come.


- MaCARTHUR: Haul ass.
- Sir!


FELLERS: In conclusion,
the people of Japan


have suffered greatly,


and it is in their interest
beyond all other considerations


that I strongly urge
allowing the Emperor


to continue on his throne
as the leader of his people.


General Fellers.


Now hear this. Now hear this.


Mine clearance is being
conducted in the harbor.


All small craft should remain
clear until further notice.


[ sighs ]


What the hell is this?


The conclusion
of my investigation, sir.


What investigation?
This is just your opinion, Fellers.


I don't see any evidence.


I have no concrete evidence, sir,


but it is what we must do.


Based on what,
your vote of confidence?


Based on the fact that we're here
to rebuild Japan,


and we will never-


I am about to make the biggest
decision of the occupation,


which will determine
the future of Japan,


and all I have is conjecture.


We will never know the extent
of the Emperor's involvement, sir.


If we had a thousand years,
we wouldn't know it.


We have to make up our minds.


I have made mine.


You want me to call Washington
and tell them,


I'm making my decision
because I trust General Fellers?


No, sir. You are making it
because there's nothing


that incriminates the Emperor, sir.


Sit down.


Sir, we promised Hirohito
that Japan would retain


the institution of the Emperor


if he surrendered,
and surrender he did.


We will never know
who started the war, General,


but we do know
who brought it to an end.


There is nothing,
absolutely nothing,


that could compromise my situation
if I were to absolve the Emperor?


There is no evidence for
nor against him, sir.


MAN: Fire in the hole!


[ explosion ]
[ men cheering ]


In that case, I want to meet him.


Meet who, sir?


This monarch in who I am
placing all of my faith.


Face to face?


That's right.
Before I call Washington,


I want to meet him,
shake his hand,


look him in the eye,
see what kind of man he is.


We can't extend a last-minute
invitation to Hirohito, sir.


I'm not extending an invitation
to anyone, Fellers, you are.




You didn't bring me the proof,
bring me the Emperor.


Then I request
you postpone the call, sir.


We are going to meet
their deadline,


and we are going
to meet it with aplomb.


We're a full day ahead, Fellers.


Today, here and now,
is still yesterday in Washington.


[ siren whines ]


His Majesty will not come.


If I may, sir,


the Emperor won't come
to headquarters,


but he might come
to MaCArthur's home.


A social visit, then.


A cup of tea to save
a 2,000-year-old dynasty.


SEKIYA: His Majesty speaks
and understands some English,


but to avoid misunderstandings,


all communication will be
through his translator.


- Sit down, Higgins.
- Yes, sir.


His Majesty's image
can only be recorded


by a court-approved photographer
from a distance.


His Majesty won't eat anything
or drink anything during the visit.


Do you think we don't know
how to show hospitality?


Of course not,
General Supreme Commander.


Supreme Commander will do.


You must understand,
a Japanese Emperor


has never called on a foreigner,


so there are certain proprieties
I'd better make you aware of.


You may not shake
His Majesty's hand or touch him.


You must never look
His Majesty directly in the eyes.


You may not step
on his shadow.


When you sit down
with His Majesty,


you have to sit on his left.


You must never call
His Majesty by his name.


[ music ]


I've never met an emperor before,


much less a god.


What the hell do you say
to a god?


General, before you make
your final decision,


there's something
you should know.


You asked if there was anything that
could compromise your position.


It's all here.


I should have brought it
to your attention before, sir.


MaCARTHUR: Oh, yeah.


General Richter did his job
with his usual thoroughness.


He brought these by
the other night.


I steered planners away from targets
to protect someone, sir.


Tell you what, Fellers...


not a single American life
was lost in this operation.


I don't see the point
in rehashing it.


And what about General Richter?


After careful consideration,
I've come to the conclusion


that General Richter
can go piss up a rope.


General Bonner Fellers,
[ speaks Japanese ]


[ speaking Japanese ]


says that it is a privilege


to meet you, General Fellers.


He thanks you
for your service to Japan.


Please, come in.


General MaCArthur
is waiting inside.


[ sighs ]


[ winding camera ]


It is indeed


a pleasure to welcome
you here, Your Majesty.


[ speaking Japanese ]


Thank you.


And thank you.


We have arranged for a picture.


SEKIYA: No, impossible.


His Maj-


His Majesty and I
and his translator


can have a talk here


while the rest of you
get acquainted in the library.


[ speaking Japanese ]


But that wasn't the plan.




[ bell tolls in distance ]


I come to you,
General MaCArthur,


to offer myself as the one


to bear sole responsibility.


I wish that the punishment


will fall on me,


not on Japan.


I appreciate that.


Please be seated.


[ speaking Japanese ]


This has nothing to do
with punishment...


[ speaking Japanese ]


Your Majesty.


[ speaks Japanese ]


I need your help.


[ speaking Japanese ]


So let's see what we can do


to get Japan back on its feet.


[ speaking Japanese ]


[ sighs ]


[ birds singing ]


[ music ]


[ crows cawing ]


Back to your hotel, sir?


We never did have that drink,


Perhaps now would be
a good time.




[ music ]


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